Donations are vital to support young investigators and research cost. If you wish do make a donation to our lab please visit the website PagoPa insert your data and under "motivo del pagamento/payment reason" select "Erogazione liberale a favore Univ.Udine per ricerca/didattica /Dontaion to the University" and add "Gagliano Lab (DMED)" in "Causale/Reason". These donations, for italian resident are tax deductable
Thank you for considering to make a donation for our research. We are truly grateful for your contribution and will use every cent to fund research items and/or sustain young researcher salaries. We are committed to full transparency and will send you a detailed report on how your donation will be used. As a token of our appreciation, you will be featured on our website as a supporter and you will also be invited to visit our lab to observe our daily research work. Additionally, you can choose to buy an instrument and get a plaque with your name or in memoriam on it. You can as well choose to stay anonymous. Thank you for your support
For more information please complete the contact form, we will be happy to get back to you as soon as possible.